Oh lifes just great

by anasha   Dec 4, 2005

Thoughts of suicide running through my head
Seems quite appealing, imagine what's ahead
What lies for me, in a life, of no life
Beautiful harmony in a place of death

Already carved words into my skin
Next thing you know, you're doing it again
I cut with a needle, nice and fine
Don't want anyone to see the lines

I'm different though, my style that is
I cut words that define me into my skin
Today my word was life, pointless and restraining
Its meaning only I hide from the world that's not shining

Damn, it heals so fast, maybe I should do it again
Make it something permanent, that only laser could undo
Or maybe something big
So people can see I'm a fool
A fool for life, and not killing myself earlier
A fool, for falling for happiness that's never there
Friends that never appear
Things that never happen
Situations that always repeat
Expectations that you never meet
Smiles that never reoccur
Eye contact that never soars
Lovers you never face
The truth is gone without a trace

Our life is a lie, pointless indeed
Really depends how you look at it
Only the realists see
They can be known as depressed
Cutters or suicidal
But maybe they've just learnt to accept that life's not real
Maybe they're the people that make us realise
That the glass is really half empty and not half full

Sometimes in life, all the time, make it
Things go wrong, some people deal with it
Some people stop it
I plan to stop it one day, but all I need is someone
I don't want someone but then I do
Today I've realised that you can't make it through
You can't do it, if you don't have someone there
Your mind goes nuts if you keep it inside

I'm a perfect example of crazy I think
Only relied on myself for like the past decade
But how do you know exactly who to trust
When half of the people don't give a stuff
Now see that's why I've become independent
Why I've become ignorant to other peoples offers
Because if there's one thing I learnt in life
It's that you can't trust anyone no matter what.

Love Anasha


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  • 18 years ago

    by jessica tee

    This poem reminds me
    of The Used.
    that's a good thing.

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Hey i lyk dis very powerful....u got talent....love dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Chantelle

    Wow this was the most amazing poem. Every line is true and this poem held so much emotion. 5/5! great work
