
by eittiK   Dec 4, 2005

You broke my heart in two,
when you said that it was through.

So I'll stab this blade into my wrist,
make sure it's deep and then I'll twist.

I watch the blood flow around me,
and then I'll be dead, just wait, you'll see.

If that don't work I'll put to test,
a friendly knife into my chest.

I make it quick and pain free,
cause that's the way you'd want it to be.

To prove my love I'd do it again,
cause that's the perfect way to lose a friend.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Thats a nice poem! loved how you used the imagination with the knife and blade wow good work

    keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ambar K

    I know how you feel, love can be sweet or bitter but one shouldnt give up. Great Poem! Keep up the good work and keep writing and if you have time check out some of my poems.