I refuse to cry
i have sobbed enough
no more tears are left
i haven't slept well in two months now
i haven't cried
and i wont
but inside the tears are flowing out
like the words to a song
i cant stop
they keep coming
tissues scattered
eyes swollen
this is all on the inside
because i wont cry
crying releases the hearts pain
but my heart is broken
so crying is a malfunction
it hurts inside
but outside i hide
no one will know
if i don't show
so ill keep it like that
and just hope for the best
they say time heals all wounds
but i don't believe them
my soul has been smashed
so explain to me
how i am supposed to cry
why should i let tears fall from my eyes
for his satisfaction only
it wont make me feel better
so ill keep it bottled up
but soon it will pour out
and i will be sorry
that i didn't let it out earlier
and just cry