Without You

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Dec 4, 2005

Without you here
I lose my heart
I start to fear
While i fall apart

The stars will fade
The sun will die
The day will be delayed
From the never ending darkness sky

My brown eyes
Will turn to red
My goodbyes
Will be the last thing said

Without you
I lose half of me
And it's true
That you complete me

When i was born
You called me your girl
You saved my life from being torn
While i was losing this battle against the world

My mother walked away
And you took her place
You made me OK
When hell i had to face

My best friend...
Which is my gram
Says she's near her end
She's doing everything she can

She tells me
Loneliness will be her death
Only me she sees
To not be a reason for her final breath

Every day, every minute
I have one single fear
What if i live without her in it?
What if she won't be near?

Every day
She's slowly dying
But she does say
That she is still trying

I'm too attached
To my best friend
Perfectly matched
A beautiful blend

Without her
Without YOU
A never ending blur
I won't know what to do

My smile will break
My laugh will stop
A lifetime it'll take
To get back to the top

I lose my all
I won't know what's true
I will take a hard fall
If i live without you

To my gram who will never leave me but everyday she tells me she feels herself getting older. It just scares me... thanks for reading!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Razorblade

    I'm sorry about your Grandma, but you did a great job on this poem.
