Mystery man!

by XxIntuitiveAdvicexX   Dec 4, 2005

Dear Mystery man
I'm so sorry for all i done
I miss us being Friends
I miss us having fun

I'm sorry that i took your advice
Then shoved it right back in your face
But its just that hes here...your not
But know one can ever take your place

What i didn't notice was...
U were there for me
In my roughest tymes
And after all u told me..i still couldn't c

You always gave me hugz
When i was down
And was always there
And always around

And i just wanna tell u
That i still care
And when u have a problem
I will be there

And if u for give me
I know we will be fine
But let me ask u a question
Will u be mine?


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  • 19 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    You did a really good job on this poem..