Comments : 1 Voice 1 Million Listeners

  • 19 years ago

    by Z


  • 19 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle

    I like peace. It's calm and unwavered. One day there will be peace-if everyone just opens their minds to actually listen. So many pretend they're listening but really they're not... and it hurts, I tell you. So many died for freedom, love, trust, compassion. And so many live hoping it will be true. One day, I promise.

    It's true- all you need....

    is love

    =( And many don't even know that someone loves them because at one point the whole world knew them.

    And they're worth something. They make a difference.

    Nice "John Lennon" week. inspiring :)

    10/5 lol

  • 19 years ago

    by XnotaprettygirlX

    Wow...amazing..he still is a legend my ya
