Dear Heart

by Becky   Dec 5, 2005

Dear heart
i would like to say I'm sorry
for all I've put you through
you been there for me
through thick and thin
i am sorry for that one guy
who broke you in two
and I'm sorry for that other guy
who broke you again
and I'm sorry for that third guy
you threw you on the ground
and stomped on you
until you were black and cold
I'm sorry you'll never love
the way you used to
I'm sorry you'll never be
as happy as the old days
although i have hurt you
and put you through such pain
i do have a favor
that i ask of you
could you please stop working
just stop pumping my blood
you know it runs thin
and you know it leaks fast and often
you know my eyes are fluttering
and my brain is shutting down
but your still going
still chugging along
your the last one standing
in an empty expanse
please just stop trying
to make me smile again
please stop trying
to keep me here
i really just wanna go
i just wanna leave now
it is my time
not because of fate
not because of destiny
but because i made it so
because i need it to be
because all that pain
that i put you through
flows through my veins
everyday of my life
and its not worth living
your the main power
the center of support
so i am asking you
to please shut down
end this horrible game


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  • 19 years ago

    by April Chapleau

    It wasnt really poetry, it was more like a short story, but it was awsome keep it up and dont give up!