Born to be Wild

by Dumpstead   Dec 5, 2005

Born to be Wild

Flirting eyes, "I am the Queen" attitude
Fake beliefs and absolutely no gratitude,
seems worse to me than WWE's mattitude.
Spreading legs, shy glance; the "Common in,Yo dude!"
has helped them spread all over longitude and latitude.

The two legged predator, the best muscles of nature
Sharp eyes of observation to satisfy mind's stature.
That is what a Man is, Born to be Wild.
Not a weaker sex as female who just is mild.

Sight of a female and he is at dance, gone is the warrior stance;
He tries all craps to make her glance, to just feel her elegance.

The species female, What have you got to offer?
What is that most men are dying to conquer?
What is the pleasure about which even my friends do wonder?
Fallen into the traps, cast by the spell and they wander.
This third earth shall never see the victory and splendor
of mere women over the best men humanity has to offer.

Today I promise you, go on flirt, go ahead and bluff
I the casually evil will always have the last laugh! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Can't Kill 'em. Can't live with 'em.



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  • 18 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    You found me at the end with the Grrrr.

    Frustrating though we may be,
    In tune are we with reality
    We know we weild such a power
    That we can make ta strong man cower.


    No critisism... Took it in the pun it was intended. After all, it was just a fantasy.

  • 19 years ago

    by Dumpstead

    Well, Thanks ♥TiNyDaNcEr46♥.

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Meh, even if you were against the opposite sex, I wouldn't get mad because your talent makes up for it =) Great job on this poem, bud. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't write about, just keep up the great work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Dumpstead


    I am not sexest and I have got 3 girl friends who are just too satisfied in bed to find some other guy so I can tell you that I ain't gay either. If you notice I have submitted the poem under the category of "fantasy". Well, actually a part of it is what I felt, long ago when I was young and foolish and anyway this poem doesn't describe my fantasies either.

    Most of my poems I wrote 2-3 years earlier but I have submitted them let anyone else read them only from the past few days.

    If you are interested there is another of my poems against females, "Evil as I call it", and neither does it describe my feelings towards them.

    These poems were a part of a fantasy character that I was trying to create, when I was atempting to write a novel. But anyway that's done and done. There are a few more poems of this sort that I haven't submitted because I did not want anyone to think that I am against the opposite sex.

  • 19 years ago

    by Clown

    It was cool, but this brings up a question, are you sexest against women, or are you just gay. Your to smart to be sexest, and I hope theres a deeper meaning to this. To me it says that you hate women or something. But all in all, it was a true message, Men have the beleaf that we can dominate everything, but when it comes to women were weak