Comments : Born to be Wild

  • 19 years ago

    by avery

    good job. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Clown

    It was cool, but this brings up a question, are you sexest against women, or are you just gay. Your to smart to be sexest, and I hope theres a deeper meaning to this. To me it says that you hate women or something. But all in all, it was a true message, Men have the beleaf that we can dominate everything, but when it comes to women were weak

  • 19 years ago

    by Dumpstead


    I am not sexest and I have got 3 girl friends who are just too satisfied in bed to find some other guy so I can tell you that I ain't gay either. If you notice I have submitted the poem under the category of "fantasy". Well, actually a part of it is what I felt, long ago when I was young and foolish and anyway this poem doesn't describe my fantasies either.

    Most of my poems I wrote 2-3 years earlier but I have submitted them let anyone else read them only from the past few days.

    If you are interested there is another of my poems against females, "Evil as I call it", and neither does it describe my feelings towards them.

    These poems were a part of a fantasy character that I was trying to create, when I was atempting to write a novel. But anyway that's done and done. There are a few more poems of this sort that I haven't submitted because I did not want anyone to think that I am against the opposite sex.

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Meh, even if you were against the opposite sex, I wouldn't get mad because your talent makes up for it =) Great job on this poem, bud. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't write about, just keep up the great work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Dumpstead

    Well, Thanks ♥TiNyDaNcEr46♥.

  • 18 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    You found me at the end with the Grrrr.

    Frustrating though we may be,
    In tune are we with reality
    We know we weild such a power
    That we can make ta strong man cower.


    No critisism... Took it in the pun it was intended. After all, it was just a fantasy.