Comments : Logic

  • 19 years ago

    by blarg

    Ismail is a retard! your poem rocks!!!
    i understand this feeling exactly!
    keep it up! could you plz read either Land of the Free or The life you deplore?
    thnx, blarg

  • 19 years ago

    by Mel

    Brilliant! Brilliant! is what I say. I've never seen your work before and I'm so glad I came across it by accident. You have a good mind for poetry.

    What Ismail (what an arrogent twat he is) fails to recognize is the illogical notion of 'logic' when love/lost love is concerned. Well done.

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Great poem. it is written very well and gets the meening accross very well. (sorry couldnt think of a better word than meaning)

    Ismail is just tring to give some constructive critisium. its up to you to deside on weither or not to take it. in my opinion the poem is great, but i'm sure Ismail is merely tring to help and not been arrogewnt or anything.

  • 19 years ago

    by Empty Space

    This is a true masterpiece. I like the way you portray obsession. really lovely!

  • 18 years ago

    by Fallen Angel

    Such an interesting idea for a write, a really obscure take on an often cliched feeling. I really enjoyed this one, I was gripped from the first stanza, it's as powerful an opening as I've seen,
    "Let us look at it with logic,
    Let us try to analyse it
    Number 1- I love you
    And you dont give jack shit"
    Brilliant stuff, and totally unexpected. I love the way that the poem is just as much directed to the narrator as the person they are talking about, great style. Excellent write, 5/5 x