ThE noTE

by `*~1-lUv~*`   Dec 5, 2005

It was the heavy burden of depression.
No one to blame except me.
The one who let all of her worries, frustrations, and depression seep out of her arms down to the cold hard ground.

Now what can I say except that I am going to hell.
Because what I have done down in that room wasn't at all very well.
I couldn't help it. I couldn't wait. This was my only way out of that world, out that jail.

No more pain, no more crystal blue tears.
Now with this I will hide underground from my fears for the rest of my years.

So sorry mommy. Sorry for all that pain I will cause.
But you must strong and must remember that its not your fault.
But mines.
The one who let her red nectar seep out of her arms.
And let depression work its charms.

© `*~1-lUv~*`

** Ok basically wat the poem is about me comminting suicide in my bedroom because of the deep depression i was going through. I wanted to make people think but the more i read it u cant really get the message i was trying 2 make**


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  • 18 years ago

    by lacy byrum

    Its carzy how much our poems are alike!! LOL!! i wrote one almost jus like this about bein in the hospital and not knowin why and after she died she looked on the bed where she died and found the note that said "Cause of death, suicide"

  • 18 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Nice words u got there, pretty darn good...

  • 19 years ago

    by James

    WOW.....this is a tear breakin poem Im sorry you went through all that and hope things are better now....Excellent poem and well written 5/5 and thank you so much for the lovely comments :)

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Aha...I don't know why I read it again...guess it's very good lol...

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great poem i loved it so much!!!!!!!!!