Technology to make you smile

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Dec 5, 2005

This world is crazy
and going insane
Skies are hazy
From wars and pain

An 8 year-old kid
with a 200 dollar cell phone
Limitations are hid
Since technology has grown

Everything we do
In our normal days
Is brought back to
This technology phase

Cars with a TV
A computer in your hand
How can you be
When technology is why we stand

Lets go back
To the olden days
When white and black
Was the normal ways

We're too spoiled
And lazy
But we'll be foiled
When we go crazy

The DVD player broke
The play-station has crashed
The computer is starting to smoke
The HUMMER is smashed

You can't go on
Without your machine
And what we're upon
Is a daily routine

"Technology IS Great"
And so they say
But you can't eliminate
The fact that NO ONE is OK

World time is running late
We don't have a while...
Any why don't they make
Technology to make you smile


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    World time is running late
    We don't have a while...
    Any why don't they make
    Technology to make you smile

    I especially love that poem... Great job!!