
by Rikusho   Dec 6, 2005

Going around, looking, searching....for what, I do not know
For what I am looking for just can't seem to be found, can't be seen
I have seen this road and been down it before......
Why after being there before do I still go down it, not knowing where it will lead
I am unable to find the part that will lead to happiness or to the end
The path isn't clear, it is foggy and dark
Can't see where it will lead or where it will end, or if it will even end
No matter what choice is taken, nothing becomes clearer, nor foggier
Nothing seems to change, except the decisions that are taken, and the things that are lost along the way
Can't turn back either, something seems to be blocking the way
Nowhere you can go except straight on, and forge ahead
Hope that one day you will start to see some light, and know that you have been through the worst
Why go through it all again, a fear still there, still haunting inside, festering
Is it worth the risk, or is it not. A decision that is hard to make, yet easy all it's own
It's a love that is there and will be there, not something to be thrown away or gave up on
Despite all of the darkness and fogginess, the trip will hopefully be worth it in the end
And hopefully nothing will be lost along the way, and everything will be gained
Looking for a lifetime of experiences that will last a whole lifetime, and a love that will only grow stronger with every passing minute
That road is the one that few dare travel, but the ones that do are the luckiest of them all, they become smarter, wiser, stronger, better for doing it...........never let go and never give up hope


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dreaming_Awake

    Very well written and i like the flow of it made me want to keep reading. and also i thank you for takeing the time to read my work and keep up the good work your self

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