Comments : A Look Into The Future

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsey

    *CRYING A RIVER*..Geesh I don't know where to start? *looks around the room confused*...THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    I look around the crowded airport
    The most beautiful day in July
    The thundering pound of my heartbeat
    As my quivering lip begs me, don't cry

    Loved those lines because thats how I hope to meet everyone..In an airport...I always seen it on Tv and thats exactly what I seen...looking around in the airport then when I see you, i start crying...MOst definatley we will meet Luanne..Maybe more then once..I'm making an effrort to see everyone especially the people I feel most bonded with! This poem made me cry a river cause we were just talking about this! I have been really the time you and I have been talking on messanger! Your so fun!!..Well thanks again for this dedication Luanne....I don't just love it because it was for me but your descriptions really grab the readers attention!
    I love you

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Ohhhh Luanne, How did I miss this one. The site isn't showing me when new ones are posted...But how sweet. I love Chelsey also and I pray one day to meet her. She's planning on attending UNC here in North Carolina and if she does she'll only be about two hours away....and I will drive to where she's at if the dear lord will keep me healthy so I can....This was beautiful....She has so many cyber Mom's.

    Love ya, Ann

  • 19 years ago

    by neens

    Wonderfully sweet... I really like this one