Two days ago

by ♥Sweet Suicide♥ (   Dec 6, 2005

The other day you hurt my feelings
you said you didn't know why
you told me i was your mate
but now your saying its a lie

the way you talk hurts me
like something inside died
i cant just let you get away with it
and i cant sit here and hide

as you were my best friend
but now we don't even talk
2 days ago we were great
and now i take a walk

to think you through in my head
of what you said to me
at first i thought it was a prank
but i guess our friendship wasn't mean to be

today you nearly killed me
you threatened me with a knife
you wouldn't really hurt me would you?
especially take my life?

i love you my bestfriend
but today you went to far ahead
so pretend you actually killed me
because to you I'm not here I'm dead


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  • 18 years ago

    by UnWaNtEd

    Hey i really likt this poem....its in great context and good point...i knid of no how your feeling...dotn forget hunni, im always here. . .
    love always

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