ClOsInG Th3 dOoR

by ღPrEciiOuz~KiiZeZღ   Dec 7, 2005

This is the last poem
that I'm ever going to write about you
you may think the choice i made was wrong
but trust was something i had to do

I picked him over you
and to me that seems right
because i know that for us
he is willing to put up a fight

seeing you again
has only made me stronger
this is just another fight
and a new reason to hold on to you longer

I'll always have you in my dreams
but never real or close to my face
the one memory that we share
I'll forever have to chase

i have to let you go
i can't hold on to you anymore
our time together
I'm sorry to say but it expired

I'm closing the door
on our past
I'm putting on it the biggest lock
and trying to forget about you fast

knowing that everything
still reminds me of you
i have to put you behind me
and discover whats really meant to be

*i think my girls know who this poem is about...and it really is the last one 4 him...I'm just trying to put the past behind me so i can move on...*


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  • 18 years ago

    by behun

    Brave enough! good for you.......

  • 19 years ago

    by Becky

    Wow this must have been hard for you to write but then again at the same time i bet it was a bit of a relief. I admire your strength and courage to actually stop writing poesm about him and to put him behind you, i wish i could do the same.

    lots of love

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Im glad you liked the poem ma...And I AM happy for you....Just live the moment. Hold on to him.... forget about the past and plunge in to the future...Let him go, and hold on to TRUE love....cause mami, why do you think they call it "First Love" ;There is always a second ....


  • 19 years ago

    by Syn

    I like it alot... and in it i sense great power in your words. im going to add you to my favorites.

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    I have read this poem a few times already...and I havent commented on it bcus I was trying to understand it. Not that I dont understand the poem, ma. I know what its about, and its well done. I loved it. Every single word. Its just that I find myself in the same situation. And I dont know if I could just give up like you did.I cant just let go. And you know who I am talkin about. Now I dont need to...because he asked me back out. I guess what I am trying to say ma is that I am scared to forget him, and I am so glad that you can.



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