The Adventurer Within Us All

by Larry   Dec 7, 2005

The ocean, an artist's paradise, is a frontier we know little about. Many of us observe its surface, but few have observed its depth. The ocean, in itself an emotion, is something we cannot live without!

We have seen what explorers saw hundreds of years ago: Sharks, Dolphins, and Whales.
What we have not seen is what intrigues me most. Let us become 21st-century explorers who will return to our families with the grandest of tales!

Let us explore the Titanic, Lusitania, Bismarck, and the U. S. Arizona. They are sunken history lost among waves of saltwater and time. Let us find, and explore, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria; however, we must share our treasures with the world to keep from committing an inexplicable crime!

What I would give to dive with mantis and fish whose species lived before Columbus set sail! What I would give to have traveled to prove the world was round. How amazing would it have felt to experience majestic triumph after fearing we were destined to fail?

There are places in the deep no one will ever be privileged to see! Without every inch of the abyss explored, how can we say that no other creatures can possibly be?

Open your heart, and explore your mind. Realize there are numerous treasures still hidden for us to find!

We can search where our rivers and oceans meet. We may find catfish as large as men! We may find bull sharks in the Ohio River or the mighty Mississipp! The discoveries we find might never end!

There are paddle wheelers hidden in the Missouri River, and steamboats lost off the shores of the Carolinas and Louisiana. There are ships throughout the Florida Keys which had fallen victim to pirates and their raids! There are sunken canoes of men who lost their lives in the Everglades!

There are endless possibilities of which I have not the time, nor talent, to describing great detail; yet, I strive to describe what it is I see in my dreams! For if I cease to dream I shall truly fail, and if Man ceases to explore he shall never fulfill his dreams... or so it seems!


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~MoNiQuE~*~

    Wow...a very informative poem here! i can see u would just love to get down there and explore! the ocean is a beautiful place tho...i agree! thanx 4 commenting on my poem and i will accpet ur deal on the whole 1 for 2! ive taken ur advise into consideration and its actually quite helpful! thank you and keep writting! luv monique