by ademoye timothy   Dec 7, 2005

Though i love and trust
a bit of kindness, a bit of sharing
never shall i hate or despise others
always i will fill my quiver with them.

though i did not receive the same quantity
many times i have DISAPPOINTMENT

a bit of hate cover with passion
kindness in wolf cover

mercy not knocknig on my door.
my heart tears apart
my hope grew dim
shall i trust?
shall i love?
will i hate?

please let me know, why disappointment.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ademoye timothy

    Recordar amor alguien para siempre Es dulces, but for
    alquien olvladar or postre Es malo, you only need to
    take heart and be strong. well i am just learning
    spanish from the day you rate my poem. Jamas forget
    character is like smoke yiu can't hide so be careful
    with people you deal with my novia.

    no it may be duro to amor alquien again but you can't
    do with out it, but if you wish i can be your friend
    para siempre.

    A T

  • 19 years ago

    by yaRis

    Hey papi wa up? well once again very interesting: my fave part is this:
    mercy not knocknig on my door.
    my heart tears apart
    I SOOOO can relate to dat BIG time. stay sweet and keep on writing k=)