To my best friend in the whole universe
lets never let our friendship reverse
cause that would b the worst thing eva
but hopefully that will happen neva.
u have been there through good n bad
and sumtimes we make each other sad
but that’s the price to pay for a friendship
as strong and as long lasting as ours
we can sit up n talk 4 hours n hours
yea of course we have fights
but what sort of friends don’t?
only false ones that don’t give a hoot
about the others well being
and how the other ones feeling.
I hope to god we stay friends forever
and don’t let any1 get between us EVER
sumtimes I get filled with fear
coz the end feels so near
but really wen i look bak
it was just a stupid little spak
and I feel like a real b!tch
thinkin I put u through that.
im really sorri for all the pain ive caused
I never stopped to think n pause
to see how much hurt I have caused