Notice Me

by Letty   Dec 8, 2005

Can you not see me ?
Or am I invisible to you ?
Is my presence unnoticeable to you ? Or is it me and not you ?

Don't you notice I don't smile anymore ?
Can't you hear me knocking at depression's door ? I was once so giddy, full of laughter and play.

But those Day's are behind me now, my happiness has gone astray. I have called your name more then once in my heart, and in my mind. I have held out my hand for you to grab hold of over a thousand times.

How much more obvious must I be ? Will you wait until the day I am laid to rest before you notice me ?


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  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    The spaceing was a littel off ithink, but the poem was great! it reminds me of a poem i wrote called invisible... but a great use of vocab. well done


  • 19 years ago

    by Natasha

    Quite gripping and inspireing, I like the first two lines a lot, but in the rest of the poem you have some lines I wish I would have writtin.

    Well done,
    ~* TasH *~

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley

    I really love this long have you been a member?

    Keep it up!
