Once Again

by ~#~tHe TeArS bEhInD tHe MaSk~#~   Dec 8, 2005

Once again i fell for your lies
And once again i was left with tears in my eyes

Once again your feelings werent true
And once again im left drowing in tear puddles and feelings blue.

Once again you werent serious when you said you loved me
And once again i was stupid and really thought we could be

Once again you was given my heart
And once again it was handed to me in pieces all torn apart

Once again i was just another one of your bullcrap games
and once again im not left with love only pain

Once again you didnt treat me with respect you were only mean
And once again i was brought to the realization that this was a nightmare not a dream

Once again i was to ugly and not good enough
And once again i broke down and became not so tough

But yet i still wait by the phone
Hoping youll call and make me feel not so alone

Maybe youll say your sorry and that you wanna come back in my life
And ill forgive you and try to make everything alright

Then once again ill be sitting here writing this
And once again ill have this longing and you i will always miss.

**just answer me \"y do ppl. say they love you when they really dont\"


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Maybe they do, just doesn't luv u enough to show that they do, duno if u get wot I mean, that's just it..

  • 18 years ago

    by tomuchhurt

    Ok all of those answers are a possibility but i really think that some guys just say that so they cant get into your pants, my dad says that , that is what guys only want out of a girl, unless there mature enough to realise true love, anyways i love your poem its like my boyfriend does that to me and i know it, i just dont want to realize it because i love him that much!! and boyz say we're complicated!! geesh! lol love your poem! keep up the great work!!!
    P.S. come check out some of my other poems!!

  • 18 years ago

    by ~*Reach.For.The.Stars*~

    My answer to the questoin u asked is maybe they arent for sure if they do yet.. but they think that they are headin straight for it.. maybe at the time they dont love you but they will at some point grow to it but anyways its a beautiful piece of work.. thanx for the comment.. im glad to know that im not struggling in this world alone.. but gotta go BEAUTIFUL!


  • 19 years ago

    by BrokenMemoriex

    Yea i agree with eXoH... it's always the guys who do it.. sometimes you just can't tell if they mean it or not... In my opinion, they just do it for fun.. most aren't serious. Don't take it to heart, hun, and you'll be fine... Take care! =) Comment on mine too if you want..

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