The end of an era
came to a halt
as my life as a sac chick ended
goodbyes were said
as we parted our separate ways
this day will forever be remembered
the last day together
before we drift
before things change
thank you for changing my life
your impact was huge
I'm a different person having have known you
you were my life
you are my life
taking a leap into the future
i contemplate my strength
to pack up and leave
memories left behind will live in my heart
replaying at my moments of need
to bring a smile from within
as i face my hardest time in my life
i begin to wonder what will happen
do i really have what it takes to start again
or i should i just remain walking in pain
what t ever path i choose i know i will be with you guys
i love you
thank you
forever i will be your friend
goodbye for now but not forever