I Miss You

by forever-lost   Dec 8, 2005

I miss the sound of your voice.
I miss the feel of your touch.
I miss the touch of your lips against mine.
I miss the warmth of you body against mine.

Your voice moves me so,
It's like listening to angels singing,
So soft and gentle.
I miss it.

The touch of you hand on mine,
I miss.
It's like I'm holding onto a piece of
It's so smooth to touch.

Your lips are so soft
The way you kiss me is unbareable
I miss the way you kiss,that certain

I miss the way you cuddle up to me
I miss your arms around me,
Holding me closely to you.
I miss it.

I miss this all about you,
Plus more that you can't even imagine.
Will we ever be again?
Or is this the end?
All together, I want to be
With you,do you want that with me?

All together....
I miss you

written and done by: Psycho


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jesika

    I was writting a poem like this yesterday..I couldnt get it to come out right though...Your is excellent!

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