To whom it may concern

by Kylead   Dec 8, 2005

I write better when depressed I am not so write now but I am trying for not all has been bad even though its is so much easier to pick out the bad from the good but I am writing this so listeners know I am trying.
I try to ignore the bad I shut the window to block the entire negative energy in my own little world but some how it slips through the cracks.
Try to stuff towels or whatever I can find to block it off but it does not work.
Eventually it reaches me and gives me options normally one three choices to take.
One to let ride through an do what the worlds wants me too do. Another option being to ignore it and go on with my life and watch the others that suffer from this negative wind and do nothing about it The third option is the one most of the time I am stuck with kind of sucks after a while but I know it’s the right thing to do this option is to help the others that are going through what you did
To help those who would come to me and ask me how I got through.
And I am a sucker I can not help I have to sit down and talk I have no resistance I just sit down and help even though I would most certainly rather not
The option is to get my shit together and help the ones that left the window open and did not shut it
I am not sure if they were lost and could not find the window but its my passion I guess to place my hand over theirs and put their hand on the window seal and from here I cannot help. My hand was the torch that lend them to the window seal now all that left is for every1 in my life that I have helped to grab there fate and gain will to close it.


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