Comments : Cant you see

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Thankyou so much for posting this...I really needed to read it. I've been spending two years, laughing one minute and crying the next. Things are never as I want them to be... he's never there for me when I need him most... and finally after reading this I realize what I need to do. Hun you have no clue how much this has helped me, it means alot and I hope I can repay you one day. Keep up the excellent writing, and I owe ya one

  • 19 years ago

    by hunter

    I agree love is lies no matter how much you wish it wasn't And you change and can't be you'r self.

  • 18 years ago

    by And smiles hide everything

    Great poem, i agree 100% with it. love hurts but its just lies. we just gotta look past the lies. no matter how much we dont want to. good job! :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Something has a hold of me

    This is good. i just finished reading a few of your poems i like them all