My Broken Christmas

by Lovesick 4 Jesus   Dec 8, 2005

This month on the 25th
wont be like the others
i wont be surrounded by
presents or people who love
each other

my mom is out of prison
and out of work to, i cant
buy my family presents
theres just no more i can do

I cant buy my boyfriend
a present, for the love that
he has shown, the first time
that he kissed me, my heart
began to blow

I know this poem is stupid
but thats my Christmas this year.
Ugly Christmas tree, no Santa
or reindeer

Didn't think it would be like this
the pain and the remarks
Didn't think this Christmas
I would have an arm full of

But that just goes to show you
that life's not how you planned
there's not always people
who'll love you and want to lend
a hand.

I lost my little baby about
3 weeks ago, she would
have been my Christmas present
but it was her time to go

Friends from near and far
don't truly even care
they don't care in torn inside
and my once happy heart
is bare

So to you all, i tell you
this Christmas will really
suck. but i wish you all the best
and give you all my luck.


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  • 18 years ago

    by megan

    Trisha i still care i no that u are sad that u lost ur baby i was there..i would send you a christmas present but my grandparents wouldnt let me..i am alwayz here for you no matter what happens i will be here i promise..u can alwayz talk to me.

  • 18 years ago

    by HighPerfection

    Sweetie i may be far away but i still care i was there when u lost your baby u know not in living form but i was still here u know im here i would send u a present but u couldnt imaganine wat my rents would do to me for that i know wat the bad X-mas is like even tho i dont celebrate X-mas but i have my bad days when my monorah is lit and my family is a celebrating its still depressin but talk to me anytime sweetie im here for day night warm cold cuts or no cuts for the day

    Im here for you
