
by Tiffany   Dec 8, 2005

The silence in the room was a chilling sound,
The nurses were appauld at the sight that they found.

A small child of only six years old,
Now on wires for not doing what he was told.

A father with tears rolling down his ghost like face,
Doctors and nurses, around the room they race.

A lifeless body slowly slipping away,
As we recante what happened earlier that day.

His mother entered the room as mad as could be,
Yelling and screaming, "Why the hell can't you listen to me?".

She hollared and pointed and kicked and yelled,
She drug him in the bathroom, where under water his head she held.

With each gasping breath he struggled to break free,
But the strength of her, was much greater then he.

So he slowly stopped moving and she finally let go,
His father came in and tried to return the breath of air to flow.

They rushed in to save the small boy's lifeless body,
All his mother kept repeating is "That's what he gets for being naughty."

The efforts to keep him alive finally came to a bitter hult,
It was more then just the unbalnaced mother's fault.

He had the chance to walk back or into the light that was shining,
He asked the lord to take his hand instead of go back to the hurt and crying.

Some say it was a tradgity, some say it was a sad waste.
But the boy seen it as a gift of grace.

He was now with the lord on a bed of clouds where he rest his head.
Who would of thought his mother, was the monster under his bed.

Remember your children are a grace and a gift,
Their spirits do not trample but hold high and lift.

If you see someone that unbalanced don't turn a blind eye,
Because if you may not realize, it's the innocent ones that die.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffany

    THANK YOU :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Little Dot

    Very sad poem. It has such strong emotion. It has a great message that if you pretend these things aren't going on and you try to ignore them, people will still die.

  • 19 years ago

    by xia thao

    Omg that is one of the nices poems i have ever read...its so sad...keep it up you are real good....