by Liz   Dec 9, 2005

When i look at you
i feel dispointed
that i could have done something
but i never took the time to stop and think

But now it's to late
For you are dead
And i am here standing over your grave

Telling myself i could have helped
but didn't i feel so bad for this
I wish i was dead and you were the one that was here!

All the time you were in fight.I hoped you would turn away and be ok but that not how this ended

Your addition took over and i wanted to save you. So bad. I would die for you to be here by my side.

BUT, i felt if i told you how i felt you would leave me and then i still would felt like your dead to me and that not how i wanted it to end but that how it did i am sorry!

I looked up to you
You were my salver
But now your gone
And i must go on......


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