Untitled (suicidal poem...very strong)

by Leah   Dec 9, 2005

Sleeping in the darkness
Screaming for help.
It surrounds you, you're choking
You want to get out!
No one hears you screaming
You're gasping for air
The darkness is getting closer
And no one even cares...
You lift up the rifle
And aim it at your head
You hope and pray
The bullet shoots you dead.
the pain will disappear
As the trigger is pulled
The pain in your heart
Is so very cold...
Your life passes by you
As if it's just a game
You wish you could hit reset
And start all over again.
Your eyes fill with tears
As you hold your feelings back
You take all your problems
And out them in a sack.
People are yelling
They want you to stop!
What have you got to lose?
This is the only chance you got!
You'll miss all your friends
And your family too.
They're crying in the back round
What are you to do?!
You hear your mommy singing
That song she always did
"Twinkle twinkle little star..."
When you were just a kid.
You drop the rifle
It's that sweet soothing song...
Your problems start to fade...
And then they are gone!
Water rolls down your cheeks
As you realize it's true
That life is not a game
And people really love you...


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  • 19 years ago

    by David Marshall

    Wow..i reallt liked that poem...some times i feel as if im worthles to every one..but its true that there are ppl who do love you...even if they dont show it..although the ppl that love you might not be the ppl u want love from.my favorite quote(The worst feeling in the world is to give all the love you have and know it will never be returned)...but even the littlest love can give you happines and last a life time..keep writting