If I wrote a suicide note

by Lenny   Dec 9, 2005

If I wrote a suicide note,
It would probably be like this,
Short and to the point,
Explaining everything Id miss,

Reasons why I had to go,
Who I loved with all my heart,
Why I chose death over life,
And asked for a new start,

Id probably begin with a joke,
Though nobody would smile,
And no matter what Id write,
Theyd think my reasons werent worthwhile,

So if I wrote such a letter,
Whod read it and whod care?
Theyd all misinterpret it,
True understanding would be rare,

It doesnt matter anyway,
As I dont plan to write this letter,
But the future is unwritten,
And to go note less would be better.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by hungry4choc

    This poem is really good ... be proud of ourself ... it's really fluent and has a nice beat and everything ... keep writing ... 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    I lvoe how you chose to write this...amazing workk.


  • 19 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    Thats's better than pretty good. The honesty of your work - to me - is so refreshing. I gotta say I love the whole idea behind this, the title,.. everything. I really can't explain it more than that except truth resonates the strongly, transcending any barrier.. I don't have any critiques but the last line seems a bit choppy to me and could prolly benefit from revision. Specifically, what I think I'm talking about is the 'note-less' part.. I like the implications, just not the the sound of it so much.. OoO well.. once again, beautiful piece of art.. =O)

  • 19 years ago

    by Syn

    Great poem... it really got me thinking... its like a note about a note... so good.

  • 19 years ago

    by SPC Ecklund

    Real awesome poem; what you said is so true! people who havent' been through hell and those who have put u through it will not understand! really good poem!!!!!!