Comments : The stories untold...

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    Hey this is actually dean on emma's password cos i aint got one - really liked the poem and etc - if i knew what i was on about i would know what to say but anyways its bril

  • 19 years ago

    by Emily parsons

    Sad but lovely to read...
    really good....really good....really reallly really really really really really really really...good.
    It was good in a really sort of way . Good really good...if only you REALYSED how GOOD this was...

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    This peom caught my eye! It was so good!! I loved the last two really pulled the poem together! ~Rach~!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kirsty

    I'm not going to say good.....because its written tooooooo many times on the comment so im going to say....high-quality....:D hehe look at me go I'm like a giant knitting small shoes for the elves to carry merrily to the 3rd world countries.........but i like the poem alot its quite sad to know that he has to trap it all away.....:(
    Oh yeah and HI EMMA!!!! i found you!!! no i didnt emy told me to read your stuff coz she said that you and nicola were on here so here i am like a dog to the bone, a fat kid to the cake
    I'm going to go......goodpie xxxxx