Hourglass (Song)

by Rusted x Heart   Dec 9, 2005

So here I stand, all alone,
Broken by the rule of change,
What it is I have right now,
Is everything that cant remain...

Untarnished by time\'s tyranny,
Just like the eye within the storm,
That writes its speechless poetry,
On paper that remains untorn.

The present slips beneath us,
Just like the hourglass of sand,
Exhaling the beginning,
Of a memorable end.

This ever changing cycle,
Finds itself upon a stone,
Bifurcates violently,
Just like a skeletal bone...


Like sand kisses the sea goodbye,
The mist betrays a tearful eye,
Like a falling leaf will be gone,
With loosened grip we will hold on.


-------- 08/12/05


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Scott C

    This song is amazing.
    Wish I could get the tune of it.
    Bet it's good!

  • 17 years ago

    by juss an allycat

    "Like sand kisses the sea goodbye,
    The mist betrays a tearful eye,
    Like a falling leaf will be gone,
    With loosened grip we will hold on"

    that was beautiful, descritive and just so pretty. the words you ued were ones not too over used and that was nice to see

    i noticed your comments on sum of my work, thank you for that =]

  • 18 years ago

    by undiscovered_lovely

    I thought this was pretty good... i love the comparison of life to an hourglass

  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    I know i have commented on this 1 already but this one got you 1st place in my contest so congrats i love how it is a poem but also a song you are an awesome writer and i will be looking forward to more of your poems

    congrats again and again!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    That was really good. i enjoyed it. keep up the good work.
    Emma 5/5