First love can last forever

by alwaysremeniceus   Dec 10, 2005

This is a true story, a love story that doesn't have an ending yet between two people i know

what would be considered as 'cyber love' could become true love between two teens?? personally i think this is something that doesn't happen to just anyone, i find it truly inspirational

its quite sad story, which seems silly and naive at first.

later we can that they have grown up a bit from their experiences together. a naive girl with silly beliefs, and unbelievably ignorant, loving a fairly mature, but realistic and somewhat pessimistic guy, its hard to describe their story even though I've witnessed parts of it, but I'll try, and they definitely have changed throughout they're time together.

and yes, if you\'re wondering, they are still together

i hope you like this, I\'m not good at poems or anything but i guess its a start

please leave any comments and vote


PS. theres additional parts to this, i think it will be a long poem, but parts continuing this are not included on 'featured poems'

[part 3 posted]
Remembering how they met,
when they first spoke,
when they first learned of each others existence.

it's funny how long ago it seems,
feels like she's known him forever,
when forever hasn't even been 3 years yet.

at first he annoyed and confused her,
but after a few months she saw another side;
when she fought with his best friend,
he helped me realize what she did wrong.
as time passed by,
she realized many things she thought, were also wrong.

he was no longer annoying or seemed immature,
but became someone who she trust,
someone who she believe in.

four months after their first words,
he told her he loves her.
she thought it was a joke,
and continued on to being the ignorant self.

December came and it was that time again for a family vacation,
gone away for a month,
talking to friends only twice a week,
she realized,
she miss him.

everyday she hoped to go to the cafe,
not for a coffee,
this 13 year old coffee addict didn't even care for coffee no more.
she would sit there for hours,
instead of shopping or visiting relatives,
and talk to him.

her 14th birthday came along,
her parents left her at her aunts house.
she turned on the computer and signed on,
to find that he's been waiting to talk to her every night.
for her 14th birthday, the best present for her,
was realizing that she has fallen for him too.

January came,
she went home to a snowy and cold morning,
took a nap, ate, and turned on her computer once again.
he wasn't on for once,
but then she remembered,
it's his 16th birthday,
and spent the night wondering what he's doing.

another month passed by,
5 days before valentines,
he knew how she felt,
and her friends convinced her to tell him herself.
the nervous night passed by quickly,
and he didn't speak of that night after.

Friday at school,
the day before valentines,
his best friend told her,
"hey take a look,"
and on her blog,
these 3 words covered the screen;
"I love you"

2 weeks passed,
she has never spent 2 weeks in her life this happy,
their smiles and foolishness,
the thought of him in her mind,
showed a sparkle in her eyes.

her friends laughed at her,
"How do you know he's not cheating on you?",
"Have you even seen him yet?",
they even doubted his best friend.
She continued to believe,
even though 6 months has past from that night that would change her life,
she doesn't question him, and continues to believe.

3 more weeks,
a different feeling,
fights every other night,
lack of communication,
although they knew they still had feelings for each other,
it was over.


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  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    This is damn so true, somewhat same has hpnd to me also...i m liking this already

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