Broken Dreams.

by Megann Lee   Dec 10, 2005

A broken dream, that never lasted.
Her biggest part of life, shattered before her eyes.
Her everything, took from her life.
How do you think she feels?

A mothers only child, took from her life.
Her every happiness, torn from her hands.
Only an infant, that never got to live life.

Something that won't go forgotten.
A mother in a coma, a baby dead.
A man in intensive care, from his stupidity.

It was only a few beers he said.
It wasn't his fault the cab never came.
He had to be home, so he did what he thought was right.
Got in the car, and headed home.

A mother coming home from Christmas shopping.
Her new infant only a couple of weeks old in the backseat.
Bags of gifts, to spoil her child with.

She never saw him coming.
He took her child's life.
Put her in a coma.

He got off Scott free, no jail time, nor fines.
A single mother, her hopes were high.
Now her life, is a living hell.

The one good part of her life, gone.
She's in a coma, unable to be awoken.
And the man who did this to them.

He walks the streets.
A smile on his face.
Knowing he got away with something.
He thought he never could do...

©Megan - 2005: This poem is for all people who have lost a loved one to drunk driving..


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by MudkipzPlx

    Ohwow..Lovely Poem Megan.

    Love MKKA!

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    Good concept and messsage but you had a few spelling errors and it kept repeating what happened ot the mother and father instead of maybe focusing on the man's guilt or describing the event in enough detail to leave us astounded about how much reality there is in this. But you got your message across without over doing it and that is important.

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Very well written and portrayed.


  • 19 years ago

    by LuVlYlUfFlY

    Good poem i really like it keep it up u could go a long way 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Darien

    Well I haven't lost anyone to drunk driving, but I know some people that have. Six boys, all in a band, have lost someone they loved to drunk driving. The named their band, Die Driving. In memory of those. Very nice poem.