A Poem For You

by forever-lost   Dec 11, 2005

Your words you speak move me.
Your eyes tell their own story.
Your an angel in my myst.
I have just met you and I know all this,
All this is true.

I'm starting to like you and,
I have just met you.
Is it a bad thing that I do so?
The world doesnt revolve around one person,
But you starting to be my world.

You can make me happy when I'm down.
You have that certain way of making me feel,
Fell better about myself.
And I have just met you.
This is a poam for you.

Like you told me,
"I only talked to you and know one else that nite"
I know everything happens for a reason,
And well my reason,
Is You.

That nite I'll never forget.
Before I talked to you I was down
But then I started and you made me content.
This is and was a,
For You

written and done by Psycho

I thank you for letting me talk to you that nite and also making me feel better when I did talk to you, you might know what you have done by talking to me but not all of it, I thank you again. Peace out


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  • 19 years ago

    by forever-lost

    Thanx Jesika

  • 19 years ago

    by Jesika

    Wow that is a really good poem I love it!

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