
by Pantala   Dec 11, 2005

Always catching me when I fall.
Standing by me when no one else will even dare.
My shoulder to cry on when ever i need it.
The one who will believe in me until the end.
Always there to listen.
Always there when I need him.
Mostly wrong but some times right.
So strong for me and others,
but never for himself.
The easy way out is what he seeks.
The bravest person I know is afraid of change.
And of the Light.
Too good to me.
He can't not have good in him.
It hides in the deepest darkest corners of his mind.
But i have found it still.
Many wall surround his body.
Making him a near impenetrable fortress.
I've broken too many of those steel enforced walls to count.
Now there's just one left.
The hardest one of all.


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  • 18 years ago

    by sammy jo

    4/4 i think this is a good poem, about friendship i just want to tell u that friendship is the best thing in the world sooo if there is somebody in your life tht you are friends with get over the stupid things that u are fighting about because like you said you need them to pick you up when you fall make you laugh when you are sad you need them there when all you want to do is watch a movie and eat ice cream F4E
    friend 4 ever