He LoVeS yOu...

by CrAzY GiRl   Dec 11, 2005

Forget his name, forget his face,
Forget his kiss and warm embrace.
Forget the time you spent together.
Forget it all he is gone forever.

Forget the fact that he once cared,
Forget the love that he once shared.
Forget his love that once was true,
Remember now there is someone new.

Forget you cried all night long,
Forget him when they play your song.
Forget how close you once were.
Remember how he chose her.

Forget you memorized the way he walked.
Forget the way that he talked.
Forget the times he made you mad.
Remember how he made you feel so sad.

Forget the thrills when he said, Hi!
Forget the times he made you cry.
Forget the way he said your name.
Remember now he is not the same.

Forget you saw him yesterday.
Forget his gentle and teasing way.
Forget the things you had planned to do.
Remember now he is not with you.

Forget the times that went so fast.
Forget it all it is in the past.
Forget he said, I\'ll leave you never.
Remember now he is gone forever.

Forget the past that I once knew.
Forget it all leave it too.
Cause he no longer loves me...
..He loves you...


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  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Hey darl. i like the structure 0f the p0em. very well written. a t0uching piece thnk u heaps f0r the c0mment 0n my w0rk. meant al0t

    l0ve always d0ra

  • 19 years ago

    by BeeBeeGun

    Aww really good poem
    i reckon its the best its really really great
    keep up the good work i luv ur writing


  • 19 years ago

    by ~*DiShEaRtEnEd~AnGeL*~

    Great Job Sam!! Is this poem about anyone/s I know?? Anyways, it's an excellent poem and thanks for commenting on mine!! Love You, See You Later On!! XoXoXoXoXoXoX

  • Omg i really like this poem is made me sad cause i know how you feel..well keep up the great work

  • 19 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Hey! I loved your poem, i feel the exact same way about someone right now, although im having a hard time forgetting..but anyway- nice job! I hope things are going good for you.