by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~ Dec 11, 2005
category :
Life, society /
faith, religion
...ahem...I hope you will read it...even if you are not a buddhist...this poem is not meant to talk about my religion...but life more of all... |
by Mohamed
Hey, it's me again..Ummm This poem is really great...i loved it...i should read more of your work now.. |
by Jay-Jammal
What a great poem for those that are instilled with blind faith, i really loved reading it but i never thought that u write religoins poesms and to be honest Jane...i just cant get enough for reading it.....keep the good job |
by Solace
I love this poem, to me it's like your sending a message.. Yeah, it's complicated.. But 5/5 defiantly.. take care xx: |
by Victoria
Good poem I see where you are coming from its great you have a strong belief especially in the world we live in today. |
Hey whats up, yet another good poem, lol this one shroomtrip i had my friend had a buddha glued to his dash, i talked to em cuz he's so happy. lol |