Love has lost its innocence

by Ben   Dec 11, 2005

Love has lost its innocence.
its warm, fuzzy feeling,
has been replaced by,
indigestion and skin peeling.

I remember back to the days,
when love ran wild and free,
but now is restrained,
by the expectations of society.

The youth of present,
proclaim their knowledge of love,
but it is not until 3 kids and 2 divorces,
do they truly feel loves shove.

I often wonder and ponder,
if love was not based on looks and glamour ,
would the world be so shallow,
and the lack of judgement at the drop of a hammer.

One thing I know for sure,
is that love will take its due course,
but one thing it will never regain,
its meaning, its source.

Love has lost its innocence.

© Copyright of Ben Blackburn - Known as "Ben" on this website. This copyright stands for all marked and unmarked poems and quotes on this website written by Ben Blackburn. Partial or whole parts of the poem may only be used or reproduced under the autherisation of Ben Blackburn. May I stress that I have also taken precautions out of cyber space to copyright my work also.


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Another incredible poem... I can't believe how much talent you have. This poem is amazing, and it flowed really well. Keep up the fantastic work! =)