The Impending Future

by Ben   Dec 11, 2005

The impending future,
which we all refused to believe,
while we fought over our petty differences,
land, power, religion without relieve.

The impending future,
which only existed in the realms of dreams,
a story to scare children,
though more fitting, â??nothing is as it seemsâ??.

The impending future,
though it was happening beneath our noses,
we were blind to the constant damage,
And deaf to the â??danger it posesâ??.

The impending future,
to which we awoke, too late,
unable to do anything to stop the disaster,
some blame each other, some blame fate.

The impending future,
which proved stronger than any mortal,
and smarter than any god,
and for once, we have no escape portal.

The impending future,
for which we no longer wait,
resigned to our self inflicted punishment,
Fear has replaced hate.

The impending future,
has past and gone,
but not without leaving itâ??s scar,
death and destruction shone.

The impending future,
it will never change or end,
as we will forget what chaos is caused,
when the broken have been mend.

The impending future
manâ??s greed and ignorance rolled into one,
sadly in this complex world,
it is all we can depend on.

© Copyright of Ben Blackburn - Known as "Ben" on this website. This copyright stands for all marked and unmarked poems and quotes on this website written by Ben Blackburn. Partial or whole parts of the poem may only be used or reproduced under the autherisation of Ben Blackburn. May I stress that I have also taken precautions out of cyber space to copyright my work also.


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  • 19 years ago

    by patrick smith

    Gr8, reminds of omega by bruce dicckinson, i ll send it to ya (his name only has 1 c but they think im swearin0