To the Forgotten Tommy

by Ben   Dec 11, 2005

To the forgotten Tommy,
the boy that was known by all,
British, Pommy,
Who stood strong and tall.

The Tommy who went to fight,
when the world was in a mess,
who withheld his fright,
and went with the rest.

The Tommy which witnessed evil,
his eyes scarred for life,
but continued without upheaval,
and hid his spite.

The Tommy which one day cracked,
who could not take it any more,
and when the trench was packed.
jumped over and shouted â??A more!â??

The Tommy who was lost in the mist,
machine gun fire the only sound,
then a silent hiss,
and on No Manâ??s land a mound.

The Tommy who stopped the carnage,
even though for a short time,
they all paid homage,
to the Tommy without crime.

The Tommy to this day I remember,
his scream of joy,
knowing to war he was no longer a member,
worked had his ploy.

The Tommy whoâ??s intentions not just his own,
but for the team he took one,
sending a son, brother, father home,
For him we go by this; Gedemus Nunquam.

© Copyright of Ben Blackburn - Known as "Ben" on this website. This copyright stands for all marked and unmarked poems and quotes on this website written by Ben Blackburn. Partial or whole parts of the poem may only be used or reproduced under the autherisation of Ben Blackburn. May I stress that I have also taken precautions out of cyber space to copyright my work also.


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