Snapshots In Time

by Temptation   Dec 11, 2005

(When reading this poem think that every two lines is a different persons thought.)

Times change & we change too
But who can know just what to do

Where to go & who to see
Who knows what will come of me

Grains of sand, sands of time
If thats yours then what is mine?

Win or lose, take & give
No time to die, just time to live

Everything passes, all people fail
When life is a blur no-one wants detail

Life is the eye & the apple is deception
As things keep on moving keep a connection

Close to the edge but still carrying on
All else vanishes & I remain strong

An open book with the pages torn out
Not having yourself leaves you with doubt

Each person a number, a cog in the works
When pains all you've felt nothing hurts

A tear in the ocean, I can't help but cry
Don't ask questions, the answers a lie!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ashley Sharmane

    That was a beautiful poem...u're very talented and unique!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by vicky

    I love it hun.original aswell with the two people thing. x.x.x

  • 19 years ago

    by ..eliSa*

    Wow..increadable..beautifully written..great job once again