Now im dead

by Rob   Dec 11, 2005

Now im dead I feel so free
How I died is quite a story
And rather graphic and really quite gory
I didnt slit my wrists on my bed
I didnt tie a noose around my head
I found a bridge instead
I almost didnt make it to my final resting place
And no one else has to see my face
Because theres not a lot left you see
I saw theres nothing left of me
I thought id end it and make some people happy
I hear their laughter even now they taunt me in death as well
I thought id escape when I burned in hell
But I was wrong you see
This was my punishment this was for me
No one cried as I told them they wouldnt
They wouldnt believe me when I said they couldnt
A week passed and everything was normal
For you see they all realised I was only a mere insignificant mortal


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lemma

    Of course people cried Rob, so many people care about you please don't forget that. Great poem.

    Em xx