Comments : Have you ever thought about

  • 19 years ago

    by Void

    Hey! Please don't take my opinion personally, but I thought I'd give you my two cents. Truthfully, I do like the repitition to some extent because it really gets your point across... But when it's used that much, it just seems tiring to re-read the same thing over and over. Perhaps you could make it a lil less repititious by cutting some out and asking:

    Have you ever thought about,
    If you could change what would happen?
    If you lost your life in a second?
    Have you ever thought about,
    If you lost your best friend?
    Or What people say because you’re not the same?

    Well, maybe not, don't change it just because of what I think - someone else out there might absolutely love this poem and perhaps you're appy with it aswell. I'm sorry if you found this offensive in anyway... Feel free to disregard it all, but I wanted to tell you what I thought, being as that is why we have comments right? Anyway, over all it was a good write, and the thought behind it was really good aswell. I loved the ending. I hope to see some more from you! :)