A Happy Teenage Love Story

by Leah   Dec 12, 2005

She sent her glares of hatrid
towards her parents,
for they didn't believe
in her undying lust,
they didn't understand,
that for her, being with him
was a must.


She took his hand in hers
and led him down a path,
roses indulged by the eyes,
not feeling her touch, her wrath.

But sure it stung him
like a bee to see her
through his eyes
could she see past
his charming smile?
Did she notice all his lies?


How could he live his life
with only her stinging his face
why would she be the only girl
subjected to his warm embrace?

She was missing one very eye
and her other eye was blue
could she see right through him?
Did she know that he hadn't stayed true?


Eventually she let go of his hand
and she beckoned for him to kiss her, could he leave her standing cold? He was not sure if he would miss her.

Miss her smile
Miss her touch
but her blindness
was just too much.


He had been silent for awhile
and she sang into his ears
reminding him of the times they shared, of all the mutual tears.

He gave in, and he kissed her
only though, on the cheek,
he could tell that she was not satified, but she did not speak.


He spat out the words
that he had been trying to say
"Darling I do love you, but my heart has ran astray..."

At first he didn't hear her
but then she did finally say
"how could it be possible, for your heart to run away?"


He thought about not saying
but he then reached for her palm
he whispered his last goodbye
and her heart exploded like a bomb.

She stood in the darkness of her blindness just to ponder, and then she felt the stinging pain as her tears took off to wander.


Years passed by and she still hadn't found a man, no male wanted a blind girl as that was how her pain began.

As then she heard a knock
on her old oak door
a knock that pierced the air
to loud to be ignored.


"Hello," said the young man
who stood there slightly shy
and she whispered in his ear
"an eye for an eye..."

You see the man at her door
was the man that had been
her life, her love, her everything.


He came back to her years later
after loosing both his eyes
no longer could he look to God
to see the sparkling skies.

She realized she should take him back, and at last she did,
and through the blindness they felt love, and produced a challenged kid.


But by this mild stone in her life
she was not a day over 18
she had expierced loves hottest ember, though she had never seen.

Do not judge thee on thy disabilities, judge thy on my soul,
she took his hand, and led him down a path, an evening stroll.


Although they died so shortly passed, God knew they were meant to be, for blindness could not ignore a happy teenage love story.


:.*leah*.: © (2005)


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  • 19 years ago

    by priscella

    I love this poem. was this a true story? was your insperation a guy? if not what was it?

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