Emo boy

by ScarletHaze   Dec 12, 2005

I'm a little emo living my little emo life
i try to be a goth but i just can't get it right
i try to slit my wrist but it gives me nasty scars
not to mention the fact the blood stains my pants!

My mom caught me in my little sister's make up.
she totally freaked on me
can't she understand i just want to be a goth?
after all they wear pink eye shadow right?

The girls at school think I'm gay
man that makes me cry
can't they understand that the kiss with Ryan meant nothing?
(neither did Paul kyle or Luke)
so I'm gonna go top myself!

I'm a little emo living my little emo life
i try to be a goth but i just cant get it right
being a goth is just to hard so maybe i should change
after all being a prep can't be all that hard right?

me an my m8 decided to take the mick out of my cousin no offense to any other emo people


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Flying high*~

    No offence but that poems a little weird

  • 19 years ago

    by one.love

    Funny stuff

  • 19 years ago

    by James

    WOW....awesome poem hun it was very funny though but good

  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    That's so cute. In a funny kind of way.

    *> : PainOfOne - blaine

  • 19 years ago

    by Death Shall Free Us

    Ha sweet poem. true for lots of people!!

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