Life as a dreamer is rather lame.
i am one no doubt, but we are not all the same.
Some of us dream of greed.
Some of us dream to breed.
To breed a family could be one\'s fate.
Another\'s could be to find the perfect mate.
I dream of being happy.
For some odd continously sad and sappy.
nightmares..indeed i have nightmares.
Surrounded by people..All alone with blank stares.
Days a week i wake in tears.
For i have had seen the worst of my fears.
I close my eyes.. i see her smiles
Strechting out for miles and miles.
I dream of just one chance.
To see look in her eyes with just one glance.
The dream i hold is to have her hand held tight in mine..
Everything than would be perfect..everything would be fine/
I sit here at night and close my eyes and i see
Her smile..her together..we will be..
I Dream of her with her long silky hair..
With her gaze and her breautiful stare.
I dream of the day we can finally meet..
I will make everything no other person could comepete.
I Dream of a cold winter night..
With her in my arms and holding her tight.
wish i could be there..
I understand just isent fair..
I want to feel her touch
might seem a little too much.
I want her to be my first kiss..
Hearing her voice is what i will miss..
I wish i could be there..
GRR life just fair.
I want to be there day and night..
I want to be able to hug her with all of my might.
I dream of the perfect date.
For that is when we realized this was fate.
I took her hand and placed it in mine.
As i always said.when this happens..everything becomes fine.
I took her and started to dance.
All night..we danced danced danced.
I wish i could hold her for days and days
so we could sit in bed and cuddle in our pjay\'s.
Why cant she see..
We are meant to be.
I need to remember..
Its just a dream..
I will make it come true..
No matter what i will come through.
She seems to always push me away..
she needs to understand.. i will always stay.
This is the story of a dreamer..
For the dreams..they become reality.
No matter what i have to do.
I will come trhough.
I want to dance in the rain..
Sure ill get sick.but its worth it..even with the pain.
Shes my everything.
Shes my only thing.
I hate it when we fight..
She hates to admit im right.
i hate to see her in tears..
its one of my main fears. done..
im a live with it.