Friends or Bf/Girlfriends

by james22   Dec 12, 2005

So do you ever why boyfriends and girlfriends
have more authority over friends ?
its funny because who do the people
who are in a relationship go to, to help them comprehend
who do they go to when they have problems ?
who do they go to when its the end ?
yup that\'s right, their friends
because its what a friend does best
friends will always be there to stay
even when your laid to rest
boyfriends and girlfriends come and go
but friends stay and that you all should know
its funny how a bf or gf can break up a friendship
and the sad part is that the friend actually lets it happen
but hey that\'s how it goes, its their lost, not ours
sometimes i wonder how a bf or gf can make a impact
on a friendship that has been going on for years
its sad because the friend is always there when your shedding the tears
and those tears are because of the boyfriends, sometimes girlfriends
i like how a bf or gf can ask anything they want but friends cant
a friendship is kind of like a plant
one you plant the seed, a new beautiful friendship comes about
i like how the bf or gf of months comes first
when the friends of years are either last or just left out
i just don\'t know how people let that be
do you ever wonder what the real meaning of friends is ?
well here it is, A person whom one knows, likes and trusts
relationships makes us happy but its friendships that makes us bliss
friendships are always here to stay and to help us get on our way
and relationships, well, they can either break or make a friendship
so tell me, if you had a choice to pick between friends of years
and bf or gf of years, which one would you pick and why ?

this is one is for the people who have lost friendships because of girlfriends and boyfriends, its also 4 the people who are going through it at this moment.

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