Nobody Knows

by nobody truly knows me   Dec 12, 2005

There's this girl that people know
she doesn't know any woe
people look at her and see a girl with a perfect life
a girl who doesn't experience strife
they see a smile on her face
all troubles hidden without a trace
they see someone who's always happy
she's somebody who isn't ever lonely
this girl is always surrounded by friends
she's always talking and laughing
she does well in school
she never looks like a fool
when people ask her how she is
she says the same thing everyday
she says everthing is going her way
nobody knows that this is a lie
nobody knows of the endless nights cried
nobody knows how this girl really feels
nobody knows who they see isn't real
nobody knows that her world's caving in
nobody knows how she hides behind her grin
nobody knows how her life truly is
nobody knows that she's always pretending
nobody knows of her hidden depression
her smile always seems so genuine
whenever you see her talking and laughing
inside she is crying
but nobody can ever tell
she hides it all so well
her thoughts are all bottled inside
she keeps them locked up in her mind
she's been acting for so long
she's even convinced herself nothing's wrong
she blocks out all the yelling
she blocks out all the screaming
she overlooks her dad getting intoxicated
she overlooks the fact that her world is breaking
you may wonder who this girl may be
well, believe it or not, the girl is me


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  • 14 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    This poem has left me speechless. I love it. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by The Angel of Secrets

    :o I am stunned. Speachless... a good way:)

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    This girl is me too. I can relate completely. and i love it. It's absolutely amazing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Lexie

    Wonderful poem.... i really liked it. Kinda reminds me of myself. Great Job

  • 19 years ago

    by midnight♥lullibys

    LOVE THE REPITITION!! im a sucker for that lol it just pulls me right it and yor flow was just about PERFECT lol i love it! thanks alot for the critiques...5/5 great job