A cutters dream

by Casey   Dec 12, 2005

The pain is unbelievable
as the blade goes in my wrist
the blood is flowing, dripping
down my fist.

I cut for each person
who ever betray me
I make a scar
for each who made this of me.

I am sorry
If I mattered to you
but this is the only thing
I see left to do.

I push a little harder
make the pain increase
I let go of what I been waiting to release

I cut deeper and deeper
until finally i start to cry
I cant turn back now
this will be my Good bye

I keep cutting
and eventually all goes dark
nothing matters anymore
I am finally gone
nothing matters now
for I am finally gone.


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  • 19 years ago

    by CUT UP angel

    This is really gud! i love it. thats how i feel sometimes. you just gotta do something to get rid of the pain. rite?

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Fallen Angel~

    I really like this poem...I've cutted before but when I did it I didn't feel pain actually I felt nothing. It's good that you write becasue it settles you down and gets those feeling out on paper. I wish you would check out my poems and tell me what you think about them.

  • 19 years ago

    by lifelessdays11

    I really liked this poem because ive been to some points where i wish i could die and i have cut myself before..this poem was ver ystrong and passionate!!..very good job!